4575-21_RICHTER Gerhard_nemcina_2017 - 2018.jpg

Gerhard Richter - německy

152 pages, 50 reproductions, German
Národní galerie Praha
24 měsíců
Na skladě
K dodání ve středu 15.05.2024

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Osobní odběr ve středu 15.05.2024

Der Kurier DE, AT, SK ve středu 22.05.2024

Der Kurier EU countries (except CZ, DE, AT, SK) ve středu 22.05.2024

Der Kurier CZ ve středu 22.05.2024

Česká pošta v pondělí 24.06.2024

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Naše cena s DPH
315,00 Kč/ks
Naše cena bez DPH
315,00 Kč/ks


Published on the ocassion of an eponymous exhibition that traces the almost sixty-year career of this prominent German artist and is his first major retrospective in the Czech Republic and Central and Eastern Europe. The catalogue presents a selection of fifty crucial works from the artist’s wide-ranging oeuvre, providing an insight into the importance of Gerhard Richter in art history and the contemporary world. The essays are intended to demonstrate the full scope of Richter’s artistic output that explores the theme of history both in the sense of a family chronicle and the history of the German nation in the 20th century. The texts also examine his work in a broader context of the Czech-German relations and point out parallels in the history of the two countries.


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